Roz Webb
Antenatal teacher, active birth teacher, breastfeeding counsellor, baby massage and movement teacher, introducing solids teacher
07419 373 873

Antenatal teacher, active birth teacher, breastfeeding counsellor, baby massage and movement teacher, introducing solids teacher
I have been teaching and supporting expectant and new parents for many years and offer both experience and empathy.
What I’m interested in is meeting expectant and new parents where they are at – really paying attention to their needs, listening to their feelings and asking what they want, and how I can give support to help them to get there. Everyone has their own unique parenting journey and it can feel so much more positive if someone is genuinely walking by your side and holding your space.
I was completely inspired by the support I received both antenatally and postnatally at the Active Birth Centre, particularly from Lynn Murphy. It made such a difference that I decided to change careers. I trained in both antenatal and postnatal teaching and support and also set up and ran Whittington Maternity Voices Partnership for many years.
My qualifications:
Developmental Baby Massage and Movement teacher (I trained with internationally renowned teacher Peter Walker - International School of Developmental Baby Massage and Movement)
Baby massage apprenticeship with Lynn Murphy from the Active Birth Centre, London
'Birth and Beyond' facilitator (NCT / University of Worcester)
'Janet Balaskas Birth Workshop' teacher
Breastfeeding Counsellor (NCT / University of Worcester)
Close links with the Whittington and other local maternity units
I am fully insured with Wellbeing Insurance and have been DBS checked.